PHP Obfuscator
C# Obfuscator
Perl Obfuscator
Java Obfuscator
Javascript Obfuscator
JSP Obfuscator
Actionscript Obfuscator
C/C++ Formatter
Perl Formatter
Pascal/Delphi Formatter
C# Formatter
CSS Formatter
CMAC Formatter
Java Formatter
Javascript Formatter
PHP Formatter
JSP Formatter
HTML/XML Formatter
Python Formatter
ASP Formatter
Visual Basic Formatter
Actionscript Formatter
Step 3: Formatted Javascript Source
Overall Java Features
Step 1: Unformatted Source
Step 2: Example Source
Step 3: Formatted Source
Here are the final results which you can see is quite easy to understand.
Now that you've seen what Polystyle can do for you, why not download a copy and try it out yourself?
b = navigator.appName
addScroll = false;
if ((navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE 5') > 0)
|| (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE 6')) > 0)
addScroll = true;
var off = 0;
var txt = "";
var pX = 0;
var pY = 0;
document.onmousemove = mouseMove;
if (b == "Netscape")
function mouseMove(evn)
if (b == "Netscape")
pX = evn.pageX - 5;
pY = evn.pageY;
pX = event.x - 5;
pY = event.y;
if (b == "Netscape")
if (document.layers['ToolTip'].visibility == 'show')
if (document.all['ToolTip'].style.visibility == 'visible')
function PopTip()
if (b == "Netscape")
theLayer = eval('document.layers[\'ToolTip\']');
if ((pX + 120) > window.innerWidth)
pX = window.innerWidth - 150;
theLayer.left = pX + 10;
theLayer.top = pY + 15;
theLayer.visibility = 'show';
theLayer = eval('document.all[\'ToolTip\']');
if (theLayer)
pX = event.x - 5;
pY = event.y;
if (addScroll)
pX = pX + document.body.scrollLeft;
pY = pY + document.body.scrollTop;
if ((pX + 120) > document.body.clientWidth)
pX = pX - 150;
theLayer.style.pixelLeft = pX + 10;
theLayer.style.pixelTop = pY + 15;
theLayer.style.visibility = 'visible';
function HideTip()
args = HideTip.arguments;
if (b == "Netscape")
document.layers['ToolTip'].visibility = 'hide';
document.all['ToolTip'].style.visibility = 'hidden';
function HideMenu1()
if (b == "Netscape")
document.layers['menu1'].visibility = 'hide';
document.all['menu1'].style.visibility = 'hidden';
function ShowMenu1()
if (b == "Netscape")
theLayer = eval('document.layers[\'menu1\']');
theLayer.visibility = 'show';
theLayer = eval('document.all[\'menu1\']');
theLayer.style.visibility = 'visible';
function HideMenu2()
if (b == "Netscape")
document.layers['menu2'].visibility = 'hide';
document.all['menu2'].style.visibility = 'hidden';
function ShowMenu2()
if (b == "Netscape")
theLayer = eval('document.layers[\'menu2\']');
theLayer.visibility = 'show';
theLayer = eval('document.all[\'menu2\']');
theLayer.style.visibility = 'visible';
Take Polystyle for a spin: Download a copy here!