PHP Obfuscator
C# Obfuscator
Perl Obfuscator
Java Obfuscator
Javascript Obfuscator
JSP Obfuscator
Actionscript Obfuscator
C/C++ Formatter
Perl Formatter
Pascal/Delphi Formatter
C# Formatter
CSS Formatter
CMAC Formatter
Java Formatter
Javascript Formatter
PHP Formatter
JSP Formatter
HTML/XML Formatter
Python Formatter
ASP Formatter
Visual Basic Formatter
Actionscript Formatter
Step 3: Formatted C# Source
Overall C# Features
Step 1: Unformatted Source
Step 2: Example Source
Step 3: Formatted Source
Here are the final results which you can see are much easier to read!
Now that you've seen what Polystyle can do for you, why not download a copy and try it out yourself?
namespace MiddleTierTest
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SQL;
using System.Diagnostics;
using MiddleTier;
static void TestCreatingData(int NumberOfEmployees, int NumberOfDependents)
Console.WriteLine("Creating " + NumberOfEmployees.ToString()
+ " employees each with "
+ NumberOfDependents.ToString() + " dependents");
Employees Emps = new Employees();
Emps.LoadEmpty(RWMode.Write, ObjectCreation.Unique);
for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfEmployees; i++)
Employee Emp = Emps.AddNew();
string iprefix = i.ToString();
Emp.FirstName = iprefix + " FirstName";
Emp.LastName = iprefix + " LastName";
Emp.City = iprefix + " Redmond";
Emp.State = "WA";
Emp.Zip = iprefix + " ZIP";
Dependents Deps = Emp.Dependents;
for (int j = 0; j < NumberOfDependents; j++)
Dependent Dep = Deps.AddNew();
string jprefix = j.ToString();
Dep.EmployeeID = Emp.EmployeeID;
Dep.FirstName = iprefix + jprefix + " FirstName";
Dep.LastName = iprefix + jprefix + " LastName";
Dep.Age = j;
Console.WriteLine("Don't forget to comment out TestCreatingData()");
Console.WriteLine("Your Test Data has been created now. ");
public static void TimeFunction(TestRoutine func, RWMode Mode, ObjectCreation ObjCreate, string EmpID, int Iterations)
double min = 500000.0d;
int bMem;
for (int i = 0; i < Iterations; i++)
start = Counter.Value;
// Call the TestRoutine
func(Mode, ObjCreate, EmpID);
end = Counter.Value;
totaltime += delta = end - start;
double result = (double)delta / Counter.Frequency;
if (result < min)
min = result;
if (result > max)
max = result;
delta = totaltime / Iterations;
avg = (double)delta / Counter.Frequency;
tot = (double)totaltime / Counter.Frequency;
// How much memory before garbage collection
bMem = System.GC.TotalMemory;
start = Counter.Value;
end = Counter.Value;
// Now, How much memory !!
aMem = System.GC.TotalMemory;
delta = end - start;
gc = (double)delta / Counter.Frequency;
long mem = (bMem - aMem);
Console.WriteLine(" T {0:F3} M {1:F3} X {2:F3} A {3:F3} GC {4:F3}", // bMem {5} aMem {6}",
tot, min, max, avg,
gc); //, bMem, aMem);
Take Polystyle for a spin: Download a copy here!